Saturday 3 March 2012


Happiness is what everyone looks for. Everything we do is primarily for happiness. Happiness comes with inner peace. First inner peace and then true love and compassion will lead to happiness. First we need to reach inner peace so that we can truly love, love everything and everyone and then we can reach happiness. Plus, inner peace is the toll charge that we to pay to be allowed to travel along the road of love, and at the end of the road of love is happiness. Everyone should find their happiness and having realistic goals in life, good health, and sufficient funds for shelter and food and having no debts.

There are seven of us altogether, my parents, 3 younger brother, one younger sister including me. We are not rich and we are not so poor as my father work as Safety Officer in one company. Yes, sometimes I am jealous with everyone because they get what they want and not like me. I have 4 siblings and it is hard for me to get what I want. I have to share it even though I don’t want and I also fight with them. Now, it is hard for me to see them because I have to continue my study here at KPMIM and I feel happy so I don’t have to share with them again. I can have my privacy place and life. But do you want to know something? I started to realise that i really miss them so much because they are my siblings and my happy moments when I fight and share everything with them.
Finally be happy with your lot, and don't be greedy, is the recipe for happiness.

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